Free APC vouchers at Emerald Publishing

Published: 12. December 2019

Agreement between COSEC and Emerald Publishing will issue 15 Vouchers (15 free of charge articles) for Eligible Authors in Emerald gold open access publishing services. Eligible Authors can use the Vouchers for articles accepted for publication in any Emerald Premier journal or in any Pure Gold Open Access journal or any Emerald open access publishing platform.

Eligible Author is affiliated to Member Institutions as a student, an empleyee or a contractor. In the case of multiple authorship, an Eligible Author must be the corresponding author. Member institutions are:

  • Univeristy of Ljubljana (with NUL and CTL) - 9 Vouchers
  • University of Maribor (with ULM) - 3 Vouchers
  • University of Primorska - 2 Vouchers
  • Member Institutions - 1 Voucher, which shall be used by any Member Institution, that has already used their other designated Vouchers (UL, UM, UP, IZUM, Institute for Economic Research, Institute of Oncology Ljubljana, DOBA business School and Gea College)

Articles by Eligible Authors shall be selected for publication in open access by default. Eligible Authors can opt out of the open access publishing and publish the articles behind the paywall. In such cases Vouchers are not used. Publishing process is described in the booklet: Emerald's Allocated APC Workflow.

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