Current e-subscriptions

A list of e-journals and e-books, acquired on the basis of international licensing principles and in co-operation with the EIFL international consortium.

Index of resources

  1. Academic Search Complete
  2. Academic Search Elite
  3. Academic Search Premier
  4. Allgemeines Künstlerlexikon Online / Artists of the World Online (AKLO)
  5. American Physical Society (APS) Journals
  6. Atla Religion Database with AtlaSerials PLUS
  7. Audibook
  8. Basilica Online (Brill)
  9. Brepolis Latin Complete
  10. Brill Dictionaries
  11. Brill eBook Collection
  12. Brill Reference Works
  13. Brill’s Encyclopaedia of the Neo-Latin World Online
  14. Brill’s Encyclopedia of China (Brill)
  15. Britannica Academic
  16. Business Source Premier
  17. Business Source: Main Edition
  18. COBISS Ela
  19. Communication & Mass Media Complete (CMMC)
  20. Credo Online Reference Service, Academic Core Collection
  21. De Gruyter Online
  22. eBook Academic Collection (EBSCOhost)
  23. eBook Public Library Collection (EBSCOhost)
  24. Emerald Insight
  25. Encyclopedia Britannica Online Public Library Edition
  26. Encyclopedia of Ancient Greek Language and Linguistics (Brill)
  27. Encyclopedia of Slavic Languages and Linguistics Online (Brill)
  28. ERIC
  29. Gale Research Complete
  30. GreenFILE
  31. Grove Art Online/Oxford Art Online
  32. Grove Music Online/Oxford Music Online
  33. Gun Regulation and Legislation in America (HeinOnline)
  34. GVIN
  35. International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law Online (Brill)
  36. Jesuit Historiography Online
  37. Kritisches Lexikon zur deutschsprachigen Gegenwartsliteratur (KLG Online)
  38. L’Année philologique
  39. Lexicon of Greek Grammarians of Antiquity (Brill)
  40. Library & Information Science Collection (LISC)
  41. Library Literature & Information Science Full Text
  42. Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts (LISTA)
  43. Linguistics Collection
  44. Literature Resource Center (LRC)
  45. Loeb Classical Library
  46. MasterFILE Premier
  48. MLA International Bibliography
  49. Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart (MGG Online)
  50. Naxos Music Library
  51. Naxos Video Library
  52. OECD iLibrary
  53. Oxford Academic Journals
  54. Oxford Handbooks Online
  55. Oxford Scholarly Editions Online
  56. PressReader
  57. PsycArticles
  58. PsycInfo
  59. PsycTests
  60. PsycTherapy
  61. PTSDpubs
  62. RILM Abstracts of Music Literature
  63. RILM Music Encyclopedias
  64. SAGE Journals Online
  65. Slavery in America and the World: History, Culture & Law (HeinOnline)
  66. SocINDEX with Full Text
  67. Sociological Abstracts
  68. Sources Chrétiennes Online
  69. Tax-Fin-Lex
  70. Taylor & Francis eBooks
  71. Taylor and Francis Online
  72. The New Pauly Online (Brill)
  73. Ulrich's Web
  74. UN iLibrary

Academic Search Complete

Subscription period
2001 -
  • University of Ljubljana
  • University of Maribor
  • University of Primorska
  • University of Nova Gorica
  • JRO (IZUM, National Institute of Chemistry, Educational Research Institute, ZRC SAZU)
  • National and University Library
  • Central Technical Library
  • ARIS
  • Consortium members

Academic Search Complete is one of the largest multidisciplinary collections. It is used to search for technical and scientific literature and read journals from a broad range of areas of academic study, including the social sciences and humanities, natural science, and technology. In addition, this database includes up-to-date events from the world of politics, economy, culture, technology, entertainment, etc.

It covers bibliographic data with abstracts of articles from over 17,000 scientific journals, magazines and full-text articles from over 8,000 newspapers published by Blackwell, Taylor & Francis, Routledge, Springer, etc. The database includes some Slovene newspapers: Acta Chimica Slovenica, Acta Geographica, Anthropological Notebooks, Slovenian Law Review and others from 1887 onward.

To search a topic, use subject terms (subject title list) or cited literature and browse journals titles.

List of journals is available at
ist of other sources at 

Update: Daily
Language: English

Academic Search Elite

Subscription period
2015 -
  • Public libraries
  • Ministry of Culture

Academic Search Elite is a multidisciplinary collection, which covers humanities, social sciences, natural sciences and technology. It includes 2295 journals with full text.

It also covers current affairs in politics, economy, culture, technology, entertainment etc.

Language: english

Academic Search Premier

Subscription period
2016 -
  • JRO (Urban planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia, New University, DOBA faculty)
  • ARIS
  • Consortium members

Academic Search Premier covers different scientific disciplines: humanities, social sciences, natural sciences and technology. It includes more than 4600 journals in full text.

Title list:

Language: english

Allgemeines Künstlerlexikon Online / Artists of the World Online (AKLO)

Subscription period
2021 -
  • University of Ljubljana
  • National and University Library
  • Central Technical Library
  • National Institute of Biology
  • National and University Library
  • Consortium members (FF, ZRC SAZU)
De Gruyter

The database Allgemeines Künstlerlexikon Online / Artists of the World Online is the world's most contemporary, reliable and extensive reference work on artists. It contains authoritative, up-to-date biographical information on more than 1 million artists - more than any other database in the world.

American Physical Society (APS) Journals

Subscription period
2003 -
  • University of Ljubljana (NUK, CTK, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics)
  • University of Maribor (s CAMTP)
  • University of Nova Gorica
  • JRO (Jožef Štefan Institute)
  • National and University Library
  • Central Technical Library
  • Consortium members (IJS, FMF, NUK, UM, UNG, KI)
American Physical Society

APS Journals is used to search for and read articles in the field of physics. It contains full-text articles from 15 scientific publications by the American Physical Society publisher: Physical Review Letters, Physical Review X (Open Access), Reviews Of Modern Physics, Physical Review A, Physical Review B, Physical Review C, Physical Review D, Physical Review E, Physical Review Applied, Physical Review Fluids, Physical Review Materials, Physical Review Accelerators And Beams (Open Access), Physical Review Physics Education Research (Open Access), Physical Review Online Archive (Prola) in Physics (Open Access).

Update: Daily
Language: English

Atla Religion Database with AtlaSerials PLUS

Subscription period
2022 -
  • University of Ljubljana
  • National and University Library
  • Central Technical Library
  • National and University Library
  • Consortium members (Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Theology)

Atla Religion Database with AtlaSerials PLUS combines the premier index to journal articles, book reviews, and collections of essays in all fields of religion with Atla's largest online collection of major journals. It includes more than 500 journals in many diverse areas of religion and theology, with full-text content in 20 languages from 35 different countries.


Subscription period
2020 -
  • National and University Library
  • National and University Library
  • Other (Government Office for Slovenians Abroad)

Audibook is a collection of audio books in Slovenian language. Install android or iOS for audii book listening on our mobile device. Members of the National and University Library can borrow from more than 350 audio books titles.

Basilica Online (Brill)

Subscription period
2022 -
  • University of Ljubljana
  • National and University Library
  • Central Technical Library
  • National Institute of Biology
  • Consortium members (Faculty of Law)

Basilica Online is an online edition of the 17 volumes of the Basilica text and its scholia, as edited between 1945 and 1988 by H.J. Scheltema, D. Holwerda, and N. van der Wal. The Basilica is the single-most important source for Byzantine law throughout the period of the Byzantine empire, and is a major source for Byzantine studies more broadly.

Brepolis Latin Complete

Subscription period
2023 -
  • University of Ljubljana
  • National and University Library
  • Central Technical Library
  • National Institute of Biology
  • Consortium members (Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Filozofska fakulteta)

The Brepolis Latin Complete allows the user to search simultaneously various databases, namely:

  • The Library of Latin Texts - one of the most important databases of Latin literature from antiquity to the 20th century.
  • The Aristoteles Latinus Database - critical editions of medieval translations of Aristotle's writings in full texts.
  • The Archive of Celtic-Latin Literature - Latin texts of philosophers of the early Middle Ages (400-1200) from the territory of Celtic Europe (Saint Patrick, Augustinus Hibernicus, Columbanus, Sedulius Scottus, John Scottus Eriugena, Peter Abelard ...).
  • The Monumenta Germaniae Historica (MGH) - one of the most important medieval critical editions.
  • The Database of Latin Dictionaries - a database linking different types of Latin dictionaries developed by CTLO (Centre Traditio Litterarum Occidentalium).

The databases use the same interface and are searchable simultaneously with the Cross Database Searchtool. 

Brill Dictionaries

Subscription period
2024 -
  • University of Ljubljana
  • National and University Library
  • Central Technical Library
  • National Institute of Biology
  • Ministry of Culture

Brill Dictionaries:

1. The Brill Dictionary of Ancient Greek
This comprehensive dictionary offers a modern and precise overview of Ancient Greek. With more than 140,000 entries, it serves as an invaluable resource for students, scholars, and enthusiasts of classical studies. It covers a wide range of vocabulary from the classical, Hellenistic, and early Christian periods, including phonetic, morphological, and semantic details, as well as usage examples. Additionally, it provides insights into the etymology and historical evolution of the language.

2. Dictionary of Renaissance Latin from Prose Sources
A specialized dictionary focused on the Latin language of the Renaissance, specifically drawn from prose works. It is a key resource for researchers and students of Renaissance literature, history, and philology. The dictionary includes extensive entries with detailed explanations of meanings, grammatical forms, and citations from original sources that illustrate word usage in context.

3. Etymological Dictionary of Proto-Celtic Online
This digital etymological dictionary of the reconstructed Proto-Celtic language provides a deep insight into the linguistic roots of Celtic languages. It covers the etymology, semantic shifts, and historical connections of Proto-Celtic words, offering reconstructions based on existing linguistic sources. It is an essential tool for linguists and historians.

4. Etymological Dictionary of Old Frisian Online
This online dictionary explores the etymology of Old Frisian, one of the key early Germanic languages. It offers a comprehensive overview of vocabulary, historical forms, and semantic changes, including the influence of other Germanic languages. It is ideal for experts in Germanic linguistics and medieval history.

5. Etymological Dictionary of Proto-Germanic Online
An online dictionary of the reconstructed Proto-Germanic language, providing detailed information on the etymology and meaning of Proto-Germanic words. It examines their connections to modern Germanic languages and their historical development. An excellent resource for researchers in Germanic linguistics and comparative philology.

6. Etymological Dictionary of Greek Online
This online etymological dictionary of the Greek language is indispensable for scholars of ancient and medieval Greek. It offers extensive analysis of the origin, evolution, and meanings of Greek words, tracing their connections to other Indo-European languages. The dictionary combines modern research with classical sources for a comprehensive linguistic perspective.

7. Etymological Dictionary of Latin Online
A digital dictionary that provides in-depth analysis of the origins, development, and meanings of Latin words. It reveals their Indo-European roots and the influences of other languages. It is designed for philologists, classicists, and linguists exploring the linguistic heritage of Latin.

Brill eBook Collection

Subscription period
2021 - 2022
  • University of Ljubljana
  • National and University Library
  • Central Technical Library
  • National Institute of Biology
  • National and University Library

Brill eBook Collection is a collection of all e-books published by Brill. It contains 66 books from various fields of research.

Brill’s Encyclopaedia of the Neo-Latin World Online

Subscription period
2020 -
  • University of Ljubljana
  • National and University Library
  • Central Technical Library
  • National Institute of Biology
  • National and University Library

Brill’s Encyclopaedia of the Neo-Latin World traces the enduring history and wide-ranging cultural influence of Neo-Latin, the form of Latin that originated in the Italian Renaissance and persists to the modern era. Featuring original contributions by a host of distinguished international scholars, this comprehensive reference work explores every aspect of the civilized world from literature and law to philosophy and the sciences.

Brill’s Encyclopedia of China (Brill)

Subscription period
2023 -
  • University of Ljubljana
  • National and University Library
  • Central Technical Library
  • National Institute of Biology
  • Ministry of Culture (Faculty of Arts)

Brill’s Encyclopedia of China Online is based on the originally a thousand-page reference work on China with a clear focus on the modern period from the mid-nineteenth century to the 21st century. Written by the world’s top scholars, Brill’s Encyclopedia of China is the first place to look for reliable information on the history, geography, society, economy, politics, science, and culture of China.

Britannica Academic

Subscription period
2008 -
  • University of Ljubljana
  • National and University Library
  • Central Technical Library
  • National Institute of Biology
  • National and University Library
Encyclopedia Britannica

Britannica Academic includes the entire contents of the printed edition of the Encyclopedia with over 108,000 articles, 35,000 images, illustrations, and more.

In addition, it contains the Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary and Thesaurus with over 550,000 entries, Year in Review (overview of events in individual years), 4,000 video and sound recordings, atlas of the world, timeline, full-texts of 220 classical works by 140 authors, 20 systematically presented categories (e.g. Titanic, profiles of 300 important women, Nobel laureates, etc.), 4,000 quotations by famous people, basic and statistical information on the countries of the world, which are mutually comparable.

Individual articles from the encyclopedia can be augmented with additional content (750 articles from providers like EBSCOHost and ProQuest, 6,000 links to peer-reviewed websites, additional web searches, and more).

Inside the encyclopedia, users can create their own work space, which enables them to adapt the content to their own needs. They can comment on the content and suggest updates or changes.

Users can search and view by keywords (Index), alphabetized entries (A-Z Browse), and topic categories (Subject).

Language: English

Instructions for use (PDF, 2MB).

Business Source Premier

Subscription period
2016 -
  • University of Ljubljana
  • University of Maribor
  • University of Primorska
  • University of Nova Gorica
  • JRO (ZRC SAZU, IZUM, National Institute of Chemistry, Educational Research Institute)
  • National and University Library
  • Central Technical Library
  • ARIS
  • Consortium members

Business Source Premier is used to search professional and scientific literature from the fields of economics, management and entrepreneurship. It also covers finance, accounting, marketing, management information systems and operations management.

Full text articles from over 2100 of business and professional periodicals are available.

You can use the thesaurus to search for topics, businesses or products.

Journal list: 
Update: daily
Language: English

Business Source: Main Edition

Subscription period
2016 -
  • Public libraries
  • Other (DOBA Business School, Nova univerza)
  • ARIS
  • Consortium members
  • Ministry of Culture

Business Source: Main Edition provides coverage of scholarly business journals, general business magazines and trade periodicals. It covers virtually all disciplines of business (marketing, management, accounting, finance, economics).

It offers more than 650 journals in full text.

Title list:

Language: english


Subscription period
2024 -
  • National and University Library
  • National and University Library

COBISS Ela is a national platform for electronic books loaning. Loaning takes place via the COBISS library system. The platform offers many titles from Slovenian publishers. One can use the COBISS+ search engine to browse book titles and book genres.

Communication & Mass Media Complete (CMMC)

Subscription period
2006 -
  • University of Ljubljana
  • National and University Library
  • Central Technical Library
  • Consortium members (NUK, Fakulteta za družbene vede, Filozofska fakulteta, Pedagoška fakulteta, Zdravstvena fakulteta, Ekonomska fakulteta)

Communication & Mass Media Complete is used to search for scientific literature and read articles in the field of communication and mass media.

Coverage includes bibliographic data with abstracts of articles from more than 670 scientific journals and full text from over 420 journals.
To search for a topic, use the "Subject" index descriptors in the ''Communication Thesaurus.''

Update: Daily
Language: English

Credo Online Reference Service, Academic Core Collection

Subscription period
2015 -
  • University of Ljubljana
  • University of Maribor
  • University of Primorska
  • University of Nova Gorica
  • National and University Library
  • Central Technical Library
  • National Institute of Biology
  • National and University Library
Credo Reference

Credo Online Reference Service, Academic Core Collection is an ideal collection to start your search when you need explanations of terms, biographical data, and more because it contains over 650 reference works (encyclopedias, atlases, vocabularies, handbooks, biographical lexicons, and more) from a variety of disciplines (philosophy, music, geography, linguistics, fine arts, medicine, natural sciences, law, psychology, sociology, technology, religion, history, and more) and numerous publishers including Cambridge University Press, Elsevier, Routledge, SAGE, Wiley-Blackwell,etc.

Inside the collection you can expand your initial search to other quality resources (Related Resources) such as Encyclopedia Britannica (general encyclopedia), Oxford Art Online (encyclopedia of fine arts), Oxford Music Online (encyclopedia of music), Oxford English Dictionary (dictionary), Slovene Biography, dLib, and other multidisciplinary collections by various providers (EBSCOhost, ProQuest, and others).

In one place Topic Pages display the contents available in Credo as well as in other resources.

Also available are various Tools used to search for definitions of concepts, persons, pictorial materials, sayings, etc. The interface enables users to play music and translate texts (Google translate). Mind map presents a search option that displays search results in the form of mind maps (a network of associated representations of topics).

Language: English
Also available at: University of Maribor, University of Primorska, and University of Nova Gorica
Source is provided by Consortium COSEC NUK

De Gruyter Online

Subscription period
2020 -
  • University of Ljubljana
  • University of Maribor
  • JRO (ZRC SAZU, Pedagoški inštitut, Inštitut za narodnostna vprašanja, Institut Jožef Stefan)
  • National and University Library
  • Central Technical Library
  • National Institute of Biology
  • Consortium members (NUK, Univerza v Mariboru, ZRC SAZU, Pedagoški inštitut, Inštitut za narodnostna vprašanja, Institut Jožef Stefan)
De Gruyter

De Gruyter Online is an electronic resource which offers access to De Gruyter Complete eJournal Collection.

De Gruyter Complete eJournal Collection is a collection of 450 journals (more than 100 journals are open access). Journals are published in cooperation with international societies. The collection is multidisciplinary and covers the fields of biology, chemistry, history, law, library and information science, linguistics, literature, mathematics, pyhisics, medicine, philosophy, teology, politics, economics and sociology.  There are high-impact jounrals: 111 journals received an Impact Factor for 2018. Journal archive offers access to all volumes since 1995. One may use quick or advanced search function, the last including also subject and full-text search.

Advantages for open access publishing in De Gruyter journals.


eBook Academic Collection (EBSCOhost)

Subscription period
2012 -
  • University of Ljubljana
  • National and University Library
  • Central Technical Library
  • National and University Library

The E-Book Collection offered by EBSCOHost contains more than 180,000 e-books in the fields of the humanities, social sciences, medicine, natural sciences, and technology. Most of the books can be borrowed (instructions) to portable devices such as tablet computers, dedicated readers, and/or smart phones. Most of the books offer unlimited simultaneous user access. A small fraction of the books, about 370 purchased to own by the University of Ljubljana libraries, can only be used by a single user at a time. The collection is completely integrated with the NUK mEga search engine.

Users may print out and/or send in pdf format to their email address up to 60 pages of individual books. Users can search inside a book by individual words, and an English-Slovene dictionary is available.

Language: English

The collection is provided by the National and University Library

The permanent purchase of 370 books was sponsored by CEK EF, CMK MF, CTK, ODKJG FDV, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Computer and Information Science, NUK, and Faculty of Education.

eBook Public Library Collection (EBSCOhost)

Subscription period
2013 -
  • Public libraries (Osrednja knjižnica Celje in Knjižnica Velenje)
  • Public libraries

eBook Public Library Collection consists of more than 45,000 e-books chosen specifically for public libraries, and features titles for both adults and juveniles, as well as best-selling and highly-recommended titles from industry leading publishers. A wide range of subjects and topics are covered to meet various patron needs, including substantial offerings in self-help, health and fitness, games, crafts and hobbies, medical, cooking and religion. This collection also features titles on recreation and leisure, geography, commerce, finance, family, marriage, women, folklore, social and public welfare, and home economics.

Most of the e-books can be downloaded to computers, tablets, smartphones etc.

User can print or send via e-mail to his or her e-mail address up to 60 pages of a book.

Language: english

Emerald Insight

Subscription period
2002 -
  • University of Ljubljana
  • University of Maribor
  • University of Primorska
  • JRO (Institute for Economic Research, Institute for Ethnic Studies, IZUM, Institute of Oncology Ljubljana)
  • National and University Library
  • Other (DOBA Faculty, GEA College)
  • ARIS
  • Consortium members

Emerald Premier is a collection of all jourals published by Emerald Publishing. It contains 308 subscription journals, which include more than 200.000 scientific articles from various subjects: economics, marketing, finance, business, management, education, engeneering, health & social care, HR & organization studies, information & knowledge management, library studies, public policy & enviromental management and tourism.

Update: Daily
Language: English

Encyclopedia Britannica Online Public Library Edition

Subscription period
2012 -
  • Public libraries (Dolenjsko območje, Goriško območje, Obalno-kraško območje, Štajersko območje, Gorenjsko območje (brez Knjižnice Jesenice), Pomursko območje)
  • Public libraries
Encyclopedia Britannica

Encyclopedia Britannica Online Public Library Edition offers the same content as Britannica Academic Edition, but is designed specifically for public library users. Search results are arranged by age groups (children, school, academic). 

Encyclopedia of Ancient Greek Language and Linguistics (Brill)

Subscription period
2022 - 2022
  • University of Ljubljana
  • National and University Library
  • Central Technical Library
  • National Institute of Biology
  • National and University Library (Faculty of Arts)

The Encyclopedia of Ancient Greek Language and Linguistics (EAGLL) is a unique work that brings together the latest research from across a range of disciplines which contribute to our knowledge of Ancient Greek. It is an indispensable research tool for scholars and students of Greek, of linguistics, and of other Indo-European languages, as well as of Biblical literature.

Encyclopedia of Slavic Languages and Linguistics Online (Brill)

Subscription period
2020 -
  • University of Ljubljana
  • National and University Library
  • Central Technical Library
  • National Institute of Biology
  • National and University Library

The Encyclopedia of Slavic Languages and Linguistics offers a comprehensive overview of the languages of the Slavic language family and the different ways in which they are and have been studied. It provides authoritative treatment of all important aspects of the Slavic language family from its Indo-European origins to the present day, as well as consideration of interaction of Slavic with other languages.


Subscription period
2017 -
  • Public libraries
  • University of Ljubljana
  • University of Maribor
  • University of Primorska
  • University of Nova Gorica
  • JRO (ZRC SAZU, IZUM, Pedagoški inštitut, Kemijski inštitut)
  • National and University Library
  • Other (Nova univerza, DOBA fakulteta)
  • Central Technical Library
  • National and University Library (gratis collection (free of charge) due to ProQuest and EBSCO subscription)
  • Public libraries
Institute of Education Sciences

ERIC is used to search for scientific and professional literature in the field of education: pedagogy, andragogy, didactics, defectology, psychology, learning and individual development, educational processes in schoolrooms, school, society, curriculum, social processes, environment and structures, research and methodology, buildings and equipment, information and communication systems, etc. The emphasis is on North American territory.

It contains bibliographic data with abstracts of articles from 980 journals, research and technical reports, conference papers, books, dissertations, "ERIC Digests" texts, and more from 1966 onward. To search the topic use descriptors or identifiers. Detailed document typology (e.g. articles, questionnaires, reports, opinions, practical instructions, analyses, etc.) is of great help.

Update: Monthly
Language: English

Gale Research Complete

Subscription period
2023 -
  • University of Ljubljana
  • National and University Library
  • Central Technical Library
  • National Institute of Biology
  • National and University Library (trial access)

Gale Research Complete is Gale's most comprehensive collection, bringing together in one place a number of otherwise separate collections, such as:

All of these collections cover the fields of literature, history, sociology, philosophy, religion, politics, international relations, science and technology.


Subscription period
2016 -
  • Public libraries
  • University of Ljubljana
  • University of Maribor
  • University of Primorska
  • University of Nova Gorica
  • JRO (ZRC SAZU, IZUM, Educational Research Institute, National Institute of Chemistry)
  • National and University Library
  • Other (New University, DOBA Faculty)
  • Central Technical Library
  • Consortium members (bonus collection (free of charge) due to EBSCO subscription)
  • Public libraries

GreenFile is a database intended for searching scientific and professional literature related to environmental issues, mostly from the aspect of man's relation to the environment, his impact on global warming, and what individuals, companies, and governments can do to preserve the environment.

Coverage includes bibliographic data with abstracts of articles from more than 600 journals treating environmental issues such as Bioscience (from 1964 onward), Conservation Biology (from 1987 onward), Journal of Ecology (from 1913 onward), Journal of Environmental Planning & Management (from 1948 onward), etc. Freely accessible journals include full-text articles.
Language: English

Grove Art Online/Oxford Art Online

Subscription period
2003 -
  • University of Ljubljana
  • University of Maribor
  • National and University Library
  • Central Technical Library
  • National Institute of Biology
  • Consortium members (University of Ljubljana, University of Maribor)
Oxford University Press

The Grove Dictionary of Art is the foremost scholarly encyclopedia of art covering painting, sculpture, architecture, and decorative arts: ceramics, glass, interior design, etc. It contains over 43,000 articles (20,000 biographies) about artists, movements, schools, techniques, theories, cities, countries, periods, etc. It features 40,000 paintings (link "diagrams" at article). Articles are augmented by bibliographic references for further in-depth research and by links to selected websites.

Tour for Grove ArtOnline


Grove Music Online/Oxford Music Online

Subscription period
2003 -
  • University of Ljubljana
  • University of Maribor
  • National and University Library
  • Central Technical Library
  • National Institute of Biology
  • Consortium members (University of Ljubljana, University of Maribor)
Oxford University Press

Grove Music Online is the leading encyclopedia of musicology and music in general. It contains synoptic articles on all aspects of music. It includes the Oxford Dictionary of Music and the Oxford Companion to Music. The articles covered contain bilbiographies as instructions for further reading and can also contain illustrations, musical recordings, and links to interesting websites. It includes over 57,000 articles and over 40,000 biographies.

Gun Regulation and Legislation in America (HeinOnline)

Subscription period
2019 -
  • University of Ljubljana
  • National and University Library
  • National and University Library (Free access)
William S. Hein & Co.

Gun Regulation and Legislation in America is a collection by publisherWilliam S. Hein & Co., which covers one of the most controversial and heavily-debated topics in history of United states of America. It's core is the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution. The concept of gun control, firearms’ potential to cause mass casualties, and the interpretation of the Second Amendment have evolved considerably since the Bill of Rights was ratified in 1791.

Collection includes more than 500 titles of periodicals and other legal documents on gun regulation and other related matters, but also links to scholarly articles etc.

Language: english


Subscription period
2008 -
  • National and University Library
  • National and University Library
Dun & Bradstreet

 The service is intended to search for business information, balances, currency and stock exchange rates, news, etc., and to search and read articles from individual Slovene newspapers and magazines. The Super subscription package includes the following contents:  Credit assessment (data on financial assets and liquidity of business entities), Financial information (balance-sheet data for almost 35,000 Slovene companies; possible comparison between companies or activities), siMatrix (provides an overview of connections or relations between individual persons and companies for over 300,000 entities), Poslovni tisk (“Business Press”)(articles and news from journals, magazines, and agencies such as  Delo, Dnevnik, Večer, Gospodarski vestnik, Pravna praksa, Finance—time coverage for individual titles in the archive varies), Register (contains reports about bankruptcies, erasures, foundings, press releases, etc.) Konsolidirane bilance (“Consolidated Accounts”)(provides an insight into around 500 consolidated companies and conseqently 2,500 subsidiary companies in operational form with an archive from 2002 onward), and Non-profit organizations.

Time coverage:

    • Arhives of balances: overview of balances and indicators in a longer period from 1994 onward (the Financial Data modul);
    • Business Press: archive of articles from 1994 onward
    • Consolidated Accounts: this modul offers insight into around 500 consolidated companies and conseqently 2,500 subsidiary companies in operational form with an archive from 2002 onward;
    • Freezing of transaction accounts and the history of freezing transaction accounts from 2002 onward (the Financial information modul).


Language: Slovene

International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law Online (Brill)

Subscription period
2022 -
  • University of Ljubljana
  • National and University Library
  • Central Technical Library
  • National Institute of Biology
  • Consortium members (Faculty of Law)

International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law Online is the first broad, systematic and international compendium of comparative law. 

Jesuit Historiography Online

Subscription period
2020 -
  • Other (free access)
  • National and University Library (free access)

Jesuit Historiography Online (Brill) is an Open Access resource, which offers historical content about Jesuits. It provides summaries of key texts from the earlier literature, painstaking surveys of more recent work, and digests of archival and online resources. Crucially, the scope of the essays is global: they cover both Anglophone and non-Anglophone sources and scholarship from Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas.

Kritisches Lexikon zur deutschsprachigen Gegenwartsliteratur (KLG Online)

Subscription period
2011 -
  • University of Ljubljana
  • National and University Library
  • Central Technical Library
  • National Institute of Biology
  • National and University Library
edition text+kritik

KLG is a basic reference work for studying modern German-language literature. The Lexikon includes articles on over 750 authors and their main works that were published or became influential after 1945. Each article includes a short biography (biogram), a list of literary awards, an extensive essay with analysis and interpretation of the author's works, a bibliography of works published in books, anthologies, and magazines, a list of translations into German (author as translator), a list of world premieres of theatre and radio works, screenplays, cabarets, audio recordings (cassettes, CDs, phonograph records) and interviews, and a list of literature on the author. Users can browse all these topics.

Language: German

L’Année philologique

Subscription period
2019 -
  • University of Ljubljana (3 simultaneous users)
  • National and University Library
  • Consortium members (Faculty of Arts (UL), Faculty of Law (UL), Faculty of Theology (UL))
Société Internationale de Bibliographique Classique (SIBC)

L’Année philologique is an indispensible resource by the research scholars who are its intended users. Its goal is to collect annually scholarly works relating to every aspect of Greek and Roman civilization (authors and texts; literature; linguistics; political, economic, and social history; attitudes and daily life; religion; cultural and artistic life; law; philosophy; science and technology; and the history of classical studies). Significant space is accorded to the auxiliary disciplines (archaeology, epigraphy, numismatics, papyrology and paleography). Book notices are followed by a listing of reviews as these are published; notices of articles include an abstract in English, German, Spanish, French, or Italian.

Number of simultaneous users is limited to three.

Lexicon of Greek Grammarians of Antiquity (Brill)

Subscription period
2022 - 2022
  • University of Ljubljana
  • National and University Library
  • Central Technical Library
  • National Institute of Biology
  • National and University Library (Faculty of Arts)

Brill’s Lexicon of Greek Grammarians of Antiquity (LGGA) serves as the first point of reference for information on the ancient grammarians for scholars of Greek and Latin antiquity, in particular for research into the history of philology, grammar and ancient scholarship.

Library & Information Science Collection (LISC)

Subscription period
2018 -
  • University of Ljubljana
  • National and University Library
  • Central Technical Library
  • National and University Library (access to LISA collection since 2006)

LISC (Library & Information Science Collection) combines two collections:

  • LISA is used to search for scientific and professional literature in the field of librarianship and information sciences: searching for and saving information, library use and library users, library management, construction and equipment of libraries, promotion of libraries, catalogization, classification, knowledge and information management, information technology, automatization, artificial intelligence, publishing and bookselling, copyright law, preservation of materials, etc.
    Topics covered include bibliographic data with abstracts of articles from 300 newspapers and papers from conference proceedings from 1969 onward.
  • Library Science Database gives users full-text access to a selection of publications relevant to library and information science. It covers a range of titles and topics relevant to the theoretical and applied study of library science, including trade publications aimed at the library profession as well as scholarly journals.
    Collection includes more than full-texts from more than 250 publications from 1970 onward.

To search for topics, use descriptors.
Update: every two weeks
Language: English

Library Literature & Information Science Full Text

Subscription period
2007 -
  • University of Ljubljana
  • National and University Library
  • Central Technical Library
  • National and University Library

Library Literature & Information Science Full Text is used to search for scientific and professional literature and read articles in the fields of librarianship and information sciences: searching and saving information, use of libraries and library users, library management, construction and equipment of libraries, promotion of libraries, catalogization, classification, knowledge and information management, information technology, automatization, artificial intelligence, publishing and bookselling, copyright law, preservation of materials, etc. Topics covered include bibliographic data on articles from 400 journals, chapters from books and papers from conference proceedings from 1980 onward, and full-text articles from over 170 newspapers.

To search for a topic, use the subject index from the Dictionary of Synonyms.

Language: English
Update: Quarterly

Publisher: H. W. Wilson

Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts (LISTA)

Subscription period
2016 -
  • Public libraries
  • University of Ljubljana
  • University of Maribor
  • University of Primorska
  • University of Nova Gorica
  • JRO (ZRC SAZU, IZUM, Educational Research Institute, National Institute of Chemistry)
  • National and University Library
  • Other (New University, DOBA Faculty)
  • Central Technical Library
  • Consortium members (bonus collection (free of charge) due to EBSCO subscription)
  • Public libraries

The Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts (LISTA) collection is designed to search for scientific and professional literature in the fields of librarianship and information sciences.

Coverage includes bibliographic data with abstracts of articles from over 600 scholarly journals, books, papers from conference proceedings, and research reports from 1960 onward.

To search for a topic, use descriptors.

Language: English

Linguistics Collection

Subscription period
2019 -
  • University of Ljubljana
  • National and University Library
  • Central Technical Library
  • National and University Library (access to LLBA collection since 2006)

Lingusitics Collection combines two sources:

  • The Linguistics and Language Behaviour Abstracts database is used to search for scientific and professional literature in the field of language sciences or linguistics: anthropology, applied and descriptive linguistics, discourse analysis, physiology of hearing and speech, lexicology, lexicography, morphology, philosophy of language, phonetics, literary theory, psycholinguistics, semantics, semiology, etc. Topics covered include bibliographic data with abstracts of articles from 1,500 academic journals, book chapters, dissertations, etc., from 1973 onward.
  • Linguistics Database includes ful-text journals and other sources in linguistics and covers phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics. To search for a topic, use descriptors or classification.

Update: Monthly
Language: English
Publisher: Cambridge Scientific Abstracts


Literature Resource Center (LRC)

Subscription period
2005 -
  • University of Ljubljana
  • National and University Library
  • Central Technical Library
  • National Institute of Biology
  • National and University Library

The Literature Resource Center is used to search for scientific literature and full-text articles in the fields of literary sciences, biographical and critical essays on authors, bibliographies and contents of works, select websites, and portraits.

LRC includes full-text articles from over 475 scientific journals and full-texts from over 420 reference works, some of which are described below.

Contemporary Authors includes information on around 160,000 authors from the 20th century onward whose works were translated into English or were published in the United States. 

Contemporary Literary Criticism includes a selection of critiques, ratings, and more for modern authors (including screenwriters), a bibliography of the authors' works, and literature on the authors.

The Dictionary of Literary Biography includes critical biographical essays on authors and bibliographies of the authors' works.

The collection also includes essays from other publications of the Gale publishing company including Twentieth-Century Criticism, Nineteen-Century Literature Criticism, Poetry Criticism, Short Story Criticism and Children's Literature Review, Drama Criticism, Shakespearian Criticism, Classical and Medieval Literature Criticism, and more.

Language: English

Loeb Classical Library

Subscription period
2018 -
  • University of Ljubljana (Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Theology)
  • JRO (Educational Research Institute)
  • National and University Library
  • National and University Library
  • Consortium members
Harvard University Press

Loeb Classical Library is a collection of more than 450 e-books, which represent the entire heritage of the classical period. Texts are displayed in original greek or latin with simultaneous translation into english. Collection consists the works of poetry, tragedy, comedy, history, philosophy, mathematics, etc., with authors like Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Cicero, Homer, etc. 

MasterFILE Premier

  • Public libraries
  • University of Ljubljana
  • University of Maribor
  • University of Primorska
  • University of Nova Gorica
  • JRO (ZRC SAZU, IZUM, Pedagoški inštitut, Kemijski inštitut)
  • National and University Library
  • Other (New University, DOBA faculty)
  • Central Technical Library
  • Consortium members (gratis collection (free of charge) due to EBSCO subscription)
  • Public libraries

MasterFILE Premier is a general reference collection, containing literature from wide-range of subjects, e.g. business, health, education, culture and science. It includes more than:


  • 1.600 ful-text magazines or journals
  • 4.000 reference books
  • 55.000 primary source documents
  • 1.8 million photos, maps and flags


Language: English


  • University of Ljubljana
  • University of Maribor
  • University of Primorska
  • University of Nova Gorica
  • JRO (ZRC SAZU, IZUM, Pedagoški inštitut, Kemijski inštitut)
  • National and University Library
  • Other (New University, DOBA faculty)
  • Central Technical Library
  • Consortium members (bonus collection (free of charge) due to EBSCO subscription)

Medline is used to search for professional and scientific literature in the fields of biomedicine, stomatology, health care, veterinary medicine, and medical care.
Topics covered include bibliographic data with abstracts of articles from around 5,400 journals from 1966 onward.
To search for a topic, use Medical Subject Headings (MeSH).

Language: English

Publisher: National Library of Medicine (NLM)  

MLA International Bibliography

Subscription period
2005 -
  • University of Ljubljana
  • National and University Library
  • Central Technical Library
  • National and University Library

The MLA International Bibliography is used to search for professional and scientific literature in the fields of literary sciences and linguistics including literary theory and criticism, literary forms and genres, national literatures, folklore, theatre arts, individual languages and language groups, theory of linguistics, philosophy of language, language policy, socio- and psycholinguistics, translating, lexicology, onomastics, etc.
Topics covered include bibliographic data on articles from over 3,800 newspapers, books, book chapters, dissertations, and book collections from 1926 onward.

To search for a topic, use descriptors.

List of newspapers: MLA Directory of Periodicals

Update: ten times a year

Language: English

Publisher: Modern Language Association

Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart (MGG Online)

Subscription period
2017 -
  • University of Ljubljana
  • National and University Library
  • Central Technical Library
  • National and University Library

MGG Online is a comprehensive German music encyclopedia consisting of over 19,000 articles written by 3,500 authors covering almost every aspect of music and its history. It features the complete second edition of Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart (MGG) along with regularly updated and newly written articles. MGG’s widely reputed and thorough works lists and bibliographies are now sortable. MGG Online features individual user accounts in which bookmarks and annotations can be created, saved, and shared; toggling between article versions; and links to RILM Abstracts of Music Literature.

Naxos Music Library

Subscription period
2007 -
  • University of Ljubljana
  • National and University Library
  • Central Technical Library
  • National and University Library
Naxos Digital Services

The Naxos Music Library is a service which enables listening to mostly classical music—orchestral and vocal music, operas, etc.—as well as popular, jazz, and ethno music. The service offers over 2,300,000 tracks, equivalent to 150,000 CD-length recordings. In addition to recordings, the service contains brief biographies of composers and artists.
Individual CDs are classified by types of music and detailed categories; you can find recordings in "Advanced search" by one criterion or a combination of criteria including title of CD or track, composer, period, instrument, performing artist, etc.

You are not allowed to download or burn the recordings.

Language: English

Naxos Video Library

Subscription period
2010 -
  • University of Ljubljana
  • National and University Library
  • Central Technical Library
  • National and University Library
Naxos Digital Services

The Naxos Video Library collection includes over 2,575 live classical music concerts, operas, ballets, and documentaries by recognized labels (Arthaus Music, Dacapo, Dynamics, EuroArts, Ondine, Opus Arte, Medici Arts, Naxos, and TDK). The world's greatest orchestras and artists such as the Berlin and Vienna Philharmonic Orchestras, Pavarotti, Domingo, Bernstein, Abbado, and more perform on demand. The collection is continuously updated with new releases. 


Direct streaming of both standard and high resolution videos;
Users can select sections of videos and create individual play lists;
Access to pre-defined video chapters, individual arias, and scene breaks;
Subtitles are available in five languages;
Users can watch a video with subtitled libretto when available;
Search videos by category, role, composer, artist, production personnel, work, venue, or festival;
Compatible with both PC and Mac
Videos stream using the Adobe Flash player (at 700Kbps or 2Mbps). The latest version of the Adobe Flash player is available at

Access: 5 simultaneous users.

OECD iLibrary

Subscription period
2009 -
  • University of Ljubljana
  • National and University Library
  • Central Technical Library
  • National and University Library

OECD iLibrary enables searching for and reading full texts of all publications published by OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) from 1998 onward. It offers over 11700 e-books, 6,800 articles, reports, and newspapers, etc. In addition, it allows viewing statistical data collections of OECD, the International Energy Agency (IEA), the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA), the OECD Development Centre, PISA (Program for International Student Assessment), and the International Transport Forum (ITF).
OECD publications and statistical data collections cover economic and social fields for 34 member countries of OECD as well as non-member countries (China, India, South American countries, Russia, etc.). Coverage includes banking, taxes, energetics, education, agriculture and food production, macroeconomy, migration, direct investments, environment and sustainable development, commerce, development, science and research, social spending, telecommunications, insurance, employment, healthcare, etc.

Language: English, French; abstracts in other languages

Oxford Academic Journals

Subscription period
2009 -
  • University of Ljubljana
  • National and University Library
  • Central Technical Library
  • National Institute of Biology
  • Consortium members (Medicinska fakulteta, Fakulteta za matematiko in fiziko, Fakulteta za družbene vede, Nacionalni inštitut za biologijo, Biotehniška fakulteta, Fakulteta za socialno delo, Ekonomska fakulteta, Filozofska fakulteta, Pravna fakulteta, Teološka fakulteta)
Oxford University Press

The Oxford Academic Journals collection is used for searching and access to scholarly literature in medicine, biological sciences, mathematics and physics, legislation, humanities, and social sciences. Includes full-text articles from more than 450 journals from the Oxford University Press. Coverage starts from 1996 onward.

Benefits for open access publishing in Oxford University Press journals.

Language: English

Oxford Handbooks Online

Subscription period
2021 - 2022
  • University of Ljubljana
  • National and University Library
  • Central Technical Library
  • National Institute of Biology
  • National and University Library
Oxford University Press

Oxford Handbooks Online is an outstanding collection of the best Handbooks areas across many different subject areas. One of the most prestigious and successful strands of Oxford’s scholarly publishing, the Handbook series contains in-depth, high-level articles by scholars at the top of their field.

Oxford Handbooks Online is guided by a world-class Editorial Board that bring together the world’s leading scholars to discuss research and the latest thinking on a range of major topics. Each Handbook offers thorough introductions to topics and a critical survey of the current state of scholarship, creating an original conception of the field and setting the agenda for new research. Handbook articles review the key issues and cutting-edge debates, as well as providing arguments for how those debates might evolve.

Oxford Scholarly Editions Online

Subscription period
2020 -
  • University of Ljubljana
  • National and University Library
  • Central Technical Library
  • National Institute of Biology
  • Consortium members (Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Filozofska fakulteta, Pravna fakulteta, Teološka fakulteta (vse UL) ZRC SAZU, KRKA d.d., Ustanova patra Stanislava Škrabca, Študentska organizacija UL, Študentski svet FF)
Oxford University Press

Oxford Scholarly Editions Online provides trustworthy, annotated primary texts for scholars and students. It includes writers active between 701 and 1901, plus Roman and Greek authors — from Aristotle, Austen, Bentham, Catullus, Dickens, and Donne through to Plato, Virgil, and Wordsworth. It contains over 1,500 scholarly editions — the equivalent of more than 754,000 print pages.


Subscription period
2009 -
  • Public libraries
  • National and University Library
  • Other (National Assembly)
  • National and University Library
  • Public libraries
  • Other (National Assembly)
NewspaperDirect, Inc.

The PressReader collection offers current editions of over 7,000 national, regional, and local newspapers and magazines from Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, and Latin and North America, more than 120 countries and 60 languages in total. The collection includes serious newspapers such as Dnevnik, Nedeljski dnevnik (Slovenia), The Guardian, The Daily Telegraph, The Independent (Great Britain), Corriere della Sera, Il Sole 24 ore (Italy), Le Figaro, L'Express (France), Die Presse, Der Standard, Kleine Zeitung Kärnten (Austria), The Washington Post, Večernji list (Croatia), and more. It also offers a large number of popular magazines such as Newsweek, iPad & iPhone Life, Mac Format, Procycling, Top Gear, Auto Bild, and more.

Users can read newspapers and magazines on personal computers and personalize the contents by the front-page headlines, latest news, economy news, sports news, news from the world of entertainment, etc. It features overviews of the most popular newspapers, columnists, and bloggers. Users can view newspapers by countries, languages, and alphabet used. The interface enables basic or advanced search. In the advanced search, the search term can be limited to titles and/or full-text articles by newspapers and/or by countries, languages, dates or time periods, and author.

The PressReader application offers a unique reading experience by allowing reading on tablets or smart phones. On NUK premises, users can download newspapers and magazines via the EDUROM and LIBROAM wireless networks (instructions to login) and read them later in NUK or somewhere else outside NUK premises. 

A 90-day archive of all newspapers and magazines is also available. 

Update: Daily


Subscription period
2005 -
  • University of Ljubljana (NUK, Faculty of Arts/Psychology Department, Faculty of Social Siciences, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Economics)
  • University of Maribor (UKM, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security)
  • University of Primorska (FAMNIT, Faculty of Education)
  • National and University Library
  • National and University Library
  • ARIS
  • Consortium members (University of Maribor, University of Primorska)
American Psychological Associaton

PsycArticles is a database for searching and reading  journal articles in the field of psychology. Materials covered include articles, peer reviews, and other publications from about 110 scientific journals published by the American Psychological Association, the Educational Publishing Foundation, the Canadian Psychological Association, and the Hogrefe Publishing Group.

Older material is well covered—almost all the publications of the American Psychological Association are available from the first issue onward. Material is classified by Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms developed by the American Psychological Association.

Update: Daily

Language: English

Provider: Faculty of Education, Department of Psychology at the Faculty of Arts, and NUK.


Subscription period
2005 -
  • University of Ljubljana (Faculty of Arts/Psychology Department, Faulty of Arts, Faculty of Theology)
  • National and University Library
  • National and University Library
  • Consortium members (Faulty of Arts, Faculty of Theology)
American Psychological Associaton

PsycInfo is a database designed to search for professional and scientific literature in the field of psychology including history and branches of psychology; psychometry, statistics, and methodology; experimental psychology; neuropsychology; communication systems; developmental psychology; social processes; social psychology; psychology of personality; psychoanalysis; physical disabilities and mental disorders; prevention and therapy; clinical psychology; pedagogical psychology; psychology of work; psychology of sport; consumer psychology; ecological psychology; artificial intelligence; and more. The collection also includes related fields including humanities, management, marketing, advertising, criminology, linguistics, military science, social work, etc.

Coverage includes over 4 milions of bibliographic records with abstracts of articles from some 2,300 scientific journals, books, book chapters, dissertations, conference papers, and technical reports.

To search for a topic, use descriptors from APA Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms, keywords, or classification. Limit the search by age group, type of empirical study, etc. You can also search according to cited literature.

Instructions for searching, classification, and a list of journals are available at

PsycInfo journal coverage list is available at

Update: twice weekly

Language: English 

Provided by Central Medical Library, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Psychology at the Faculty of Arts and NUK.


Subscription period
2024 -
  • University of Ljubljana (NUK, Filozofska fakulteta/Oddelek za psihologijo, Fakulteta za družbene vede, Pedagoška fakulteta, Ekonomska fakulteta)
  • University of Maribor (UKM, Filozofska fakulteta, Fakulteta za varnostne vede)
  • National and University Library
  • Consortium members (Filozofska fakulteta/Oddelek za psihologijo UL, Ekonomska fakulteta UL, Teološka fakulteta, NUK, UM)
American Psychological Associaton

PsycTests is an electronic database providing descriptive summaries, full text, and relevant citations on the development and assessment of tests and measures that can be used in research and teaching. The database serves as a repository for the full text (when available) of psychological tests and measures as well as a source of structured information about tests of relevance to psychologists and professionals in related fields such as psychiatry, management, business, education, social science, neuroscience, law, medicine, and social work.


Subscription period
2025 -
  • University of Ljubljana (FF (Odd. za psihologijo), TeoF, PeF)
  • National and University Library
  • National and University Library
  • Consortium members (FF (Odd. za psihologijo), TeoF, PEF)
American Psychological Associaton

APA PsycTherapy is a streaming video platform, which provides clinicians, counselors, instructors, and trainees the opportunity to sharpen their skills by observing candid, unscripted psychotherapy sessions featuring renowned therapists. This proven training method is an invaluable tool for learning and remaining abreast of the latest psychotherapy techniques.


Subscription period
2017 -
  • University of Ljubljana
  • National and University Library
  • Central Technical Library
  • National and University Library (gratis collection (free of charge) due to ProQuest subscription)
National Center for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

PTSDpubs - formerly called Published International Literature On Traumatic Stress (PILOTS) - is a specialised bibliographic database used to search for popular, professional, and scientific literature dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other mental health sequelae of traumatic events such as war events, natural disasters, or other traumatic experiences of individuals and/or groups. Coverage includes a considerable number of publications treating post-traumatic consequences of wars in the territory of former Yugoslavia.

The collection is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and is produced by its National Center for PTSD. Its goal is to include citations to all literature on PTSD and other consequences of traumatic events without disciplinary, linguistic, or geographical limitations.

Update: Monthly

Language: English

RILM Abstracts of Music Literature

Subscription period
2007 -
  • University of Ljubljana
  • National and University Library
  • Central Technical Library
  • National and University Library
The Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale

RILM Abstracts of Music Literature is an extensive music bibliography which offers broad yet detailed coverage and allows for both in-depth research and optional searching of contents for users of all levels. RILM was designed for researchers who want clear and verified bibliographic information that is fully cited, abstracted, and indexed.

Coverage spans 1967 to the present, and the database is updated monthly. Database indexes 990 current journals ans contains over 950,000 records. Over 50,000 new records are added every year. Sound recordings and motion pictures that present the results of scholarly research or fieldwork are also included.

Sources cited in RILM are publications from 178 countries in 143 languages. Titles of works are translated into English, and the majority of entries have English abstracts.

Update: Monthly

Language: English

RILM Music Encyclopedias

Subscription period
2018 -
  • University of Ljubljana
  • National and University Library
  • Central Technical Library
  • National and University Library

RILM Music Encyclopedias is a collection of over 60 encyclopedias in full text, comprising more than 300,000 entries and including volumes published between 1775 and the present. The content of this extensive multilingual collection spans the most important fields and subject areas of historical musicology, ethnomusicology, and theory, on topics ranging from popular music and rock, opera, instruments, blues and gospel, to performers, recorded music and women composers. New titles are being added annually.

List of reference works is available at

SAGE Journals Online

Subscription period
2005 -
  • University of Ljubljana
  • University of Maribor
  • University of Primorska
  • JRO (Institute for Ethnic Studies, Institute of Oncology Ljubljana, Institute of Criminology at the Faculty of Law, Educational Research Institute, Urban planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia, ZRC SAZU)
  • National and University Library
  • Other (New University)
  • Central Technical Library
  • ARIS
  • Consortium members

SAGE Journals Online (SAGE Premier package) collection is designed to search for professional and scientific literature and read articles in the fields of social sciences, humanities, medicine, technology, and natural sciences. Coverage includes bibliographic data with abstracts and full-text articles more than 1100 journals.

Update: Daily

Language: English

Collection subcsriber: Consortium COSEC.

Slavery in America and the World: History, Culture & Law (HeinOnline)

Subscription period
2019 -
  • University of Ljubljana
  • National and University Library
  • National and University Library (Free access)
William S. Hein & Co.

Slavery in America and the World: History, Culture & Law is a collection by publisher William S. Hein & Co, which brings together a multitude of essential legal materials on slavery in the United States and the English-speaking world:

  • every statute passed by every colony and state on slavery,
  • every federal statute dealing with slavery,
  • all reported state and federal cases on slavery.

Our case coverage extends into the 20th century because long after slavery ended courts were still resolving issues emanating from slavery. The library has hundreds of pamphlets and books written about slavery, and new histories of slavery are still being added.

Language: english

SocINDEX with Full Text

Subscription period
2007 -
  • University of Ljubljana
  • National and University Library
  • Central Technical Library
  • Consortium members (NUK, Fakulteta za družbene vede, Filozofska fakulteta, Pedagoška fakulteta, Zdravstvena fakulteta, Ekonomska fakulteta)

SocINDEX with Full Text offers comprehensive coverage of sociology encompassing all sub-disciplines and closely related areas of study. The database features millions of records with subject headings from a sociological thesaurus designed by subject experts and lexicographers.

In addition to some 630 full-text titles, SocINDEX with Full Text also contains informative abstracts for more than 1,200 "core" coverage journals dating as far back as 1895. Complete with extensive indexing for monographs, conference papers, and other non-periodical content sources, the database also includes searchable cited references.

Language: English

Sociological Abstracts

Subscription period
2007 -
  • University of Ljubljana
  • National and University Library
  • Central Technical Library
  • National and University Library
Sociological Abstracts

The Sociological Abstracts database is used to search for professional and scientific literature in sociology and related disciplines in the social and behavioral sciences. Includes indexing with abstracts of articles in over 1900 journals, conference papers, books, chapters from books, dissertations, and more. Adding to the scope and breadth of this resource is an archive that begins in 1952 with records published by the then print version of Sociological Abstracts.

To search for a topic, use descriptors, index phrases, or classification. You can also search the cited literature.

Update: Monthly

Language: English

Sources Chrétiennes Online

Subscription period
2020 -
  • University of Ljubljana
  • National and University Library
  • Central Technical Library
  • National Institute of Biology
  • Consortium members (Faculty of Theology, Faculty of Arts)

Sources Chrétiennes Online is collection of Christian texts in Greek and Latin, but also in oriental language accompanied with Franch translation. Around half of 600 texts published in series “Sources Chrétiennes” are available (Feb. 2021).


Subscription period
2009 -
  • Public libraries
  • National and University Library
  • National and University Library
  • Public libraries

TAX-FIN-LEX is a Slovene portal that allows searching for and reading documents in the fields of taxes, finance, and law. The tax section presents opinions and articles by tax advisers and consultants, explanations from the Tax Office of the Republic of Slovenia, a sampling of forms, and links to legal bases; the accounting and finance section offers advice, articles, forms, and examples for accountants and finance officers; and the legal section covers current Slovene and European legislation, court decisions, examples of contracts, lawsuits, petitions, etc.

A timeline provides an insight into the history of every regulation and act, and all versions of fair copies of adopted acts. The three sections are interconnected.

Language: Slovene

Source is provided by: National and University Library

Taylor & Francis eBooks

Subscription period
2024 - 2024
  • University of Ljubljana
  • National and University Library
  • Central Technical Library
  • National and University Library (Trial access)
Taylor & Francis

Taylor & Francis eBooks is an online digital platform that offers a comprehensive collection of more than 160.000 scientific eBooks written by a world-renowned and award-winning network of editors and authors. However, users of the University of Ljubljana have access to only a limited number of e-books.

Taylor and Francis Online

Subscription period
2015 -
  • University of Ljubljana
  • University of Maribor
  • University of Primorska
  • University of Nova Gorica
  • JRO (Inštitut Jožef Štefan, Kmetijski inštitut Slovenije, ZRC SAZU, Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije, Pedagoški inštitut, Onkološki inštitut Ljubljana)
  • National and University Library
  • Central Technical Library
  • National Institute of Biology
  • ARIS
  • Consortium members
Taylor & Francis

Taylor and Francis Online is a multidisciplinary collection by the publisher of the same name that allows searching and reading full-text articles from more than 2.000 journals. The journals cover the fields of library and information sciences, economics, veterinary medicine, religion, art, construction industry, architecture, politology, education, sociology, biology, psychology, mathematics, chemistry, physics, etc. For the most part, full-text is available from 1997 onward.

Update: Daily

Language: English

The New Pauly Online (Brill)

Subscription period
2018 -
  • University of Ljubljana
  • National and University Library
  • Central Technical Library
  • National Institute of Biology
  • Consortium members (NUK, Faculty of Arts UL, Faculty of Theology UL, Faculty of Social Sciences UL, Faculty of Education UL, Faculty of Law UL, Faculty of Architecture UL, Faculty of Medicine UL)

Brill´s New Pauly Online is the English edition of the authoritative Der Neue Pauly Online, published by Verlag J.B. Metzler since 1996. The encyclopaedic coverage and high academic standard of the work, the interdisciplinary and contemporary approach and clear and accessible presentation have made the New Pauly the unrivalled modern reference work for the ancient world. The section on Antiquity of Brill´s New Pauly are devoted to Greco-Roman antiquity and cover more than two thousand years of history, ranging from the second millennium BC to early medieval Europe. Special emphasis is given to the interaction between Greco-Roman culture on the one hand, and Semitic, Celtic, Germanic, and Slavonic culture, and ancient Judaism, Christianity, and Islam on the other hand. The section on the Classical Tradition is uniquely concerned with the long and influential aftermath of antiquity and the process of continuous reinterpretation and revaluation of the ancient heritage, including the history of classical scholarship. Brill´s New Pauly presents the current state of traditional and new areas of research and brings together specialist knowledge from leading scholars from all over the world. The Contents from the Slovenian authors (Kos-Šašel, PhD.) can also be found. Many entries are elucidated with maps and illustrations and the English edition will include updated bibliographic references.

Collection New Pauly Online include supplements:

  • New Pauly Supplements I:
    • Chronologies of the Ancient World - Names, Dates and Dynasties
    • Dictionary of Greek and Latin Authors and Texts
    • Historical Atlas of the Ancient World
    • The Reception of Myth and Mythology
    • The Reception of Classical Literature
    • History of Classical Scholarship - A Biographical Dictionary
    • Herrscherchronologien der antiken Welt: Namen, Daten, Dynastien
    • Geschichte der antiken Texte: Autoren- und Werklexikon
    • Historischer Atlas der antiken Welt
    • Rezeptions- und Wissenschaftsgeschichte: Register zu den Bänden 13-15/3 des Neuen Pauly
    • Mythenrezeption: Die antike Mythologie in Literatur, Musik und Kunst von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart
    • Geschichte der Altertumswissenschaften: Biographisches Lexikon
    • Die Rezeption der antiken Literatur
  • New Paully Supplements II:
    • Figures of Antiquity and their Reception in Art, Literature and Music
    • The Reception of Antiquity in Renaissance Humanism
    • The Early Mediterranean World, 1200 - 600 BC
    • History and Culture of Byzantium
    • Historische Gestalten
    • Renaissance-Humanismus
    • Frühgeschichte der Mittelmeerkulturen
    • Byzanz

Ulrich's Web

Subscription period
2007 -
  • University of Ljubljana
  • National and University Library
  • Central Technical Library
  • National and University Library

Ulrich's Web is used to search for detailed information about more than 300,000 periodicals from across the world: newspapers, journals, magazines, yearbooks, etc. Data includes title, ISSN, beginning and frequency of publication, type, peer-reviews, language, country, price, subject area (including LC and Dewey classification), CODEN, circulation, editor, audience, description, and history of title. Data on a variety of media (e.g., microfiche) are also included. If the title is in electronic form, the portal provides information on URL addresses and various providers. There is a list of secondary resources such as databases ("Abstracting & Indexing Services") that index articles from certain sources and of services where delivery of articles can be ordered. Contact information on publishers for orders and copyright management is available. Peer-reviews are available for a specified part of titles.

The above-mentioned criteria can be combined with logical operators to facilitate the search. The results can be sorted, printed, downloaded, or sent by e-mail. 

Language: English

Update: Weekly

UN iLibrary

Subscription period
2009 -
  • University of Ljubljana
  • National and University Library
  • Central Technical Library
  • National and University Library (gratis collection (free of charge) due to OECD iLibrary subscription)

The United Nations iLibrary is the comprehensive global search, discovery, and viewing source for digital content created by the United Nations. It provides librarians, information specialists, scholars, students, policy makers and the general public with a single digital destination for seamlessly accessing publications, journals, data, and series published by the United Nations Secretariat, and its funds and programs. UN iLibrary offers access to more than 6000 e-books, 4000 articles and 3 databases. Every year around 500 new titles are added to United Nations iLibrary. UN iLibrary covers a wide range of topics:

  • Agriculture Rural Development and Forestry
  • Children and Youth
  • Democracy and Governance
  • Disarmament
  • Drugs, Crime and Terrorism
  • Economic and Social Development
  • Environment and Climate Change
  • Human Rights and Refugees
  • Human Settlements and Urban Issues
  • International Law and Justice
  • International Trade and Finance
  • Migration
  • Natural Resources, Water and Energy
  • Peacekeeping and Security
  • Population and Demography
  • Public Health
  • Transportation and Public Safety
  • United Nations
  • Women and Gender Issues.

Language: English etc.